May 16, 2016



I just don't how to express myself right now. All things keep push me the hard lately. I don't know with who can i tell about everything. I need help guys. Lately, i keep being anxiety and depress about everything about my life. All things just don't go to the way i want. Where the hell i can relieve my stress? i had to do something about these things before its affect my life completely. Life just too hard guys and i'm tired with all this bullshit. :l

Apr 16, 2011

Aku rasa nak mati. :)

Yeah. Macam biasa. Aku HAMPA lgi. Terima Kasih. Aku rasa nak mati jak. Maktab tak dpt. Uitm komfom aku tak lepas. Then SPA8 lgi mnghampakan aku. Aku rasa nak terjun jak dari Eastern Plaza tu. LOL. Sekarang. Last choice yang aku ada cuma Form 6. Oh God. Tolonglah. I'm dying now. :(

Mar 26, 2011

Saya enjoy hidup saya!

Well. Hari ni. Aku enjoy blast kereta si Nelson Gerald Chow. Then malamnya. Aku spend masa aku ngan si dia. Tpi aku bawa juga si 2 Merpati sejoli ne. Yg si laki mw pi men futsal. jdi tpksa la blah awal. Kalau ndaa , berkurun aku di kedai tu. Haha. Result? Biarpun result ku sedikit kecewakan aku. Tpi apa boleh buat kan. Dah takdir. Usaha ku smpi situ jak. Tkpe. Nnt aku push lgi buat yg terbaik. ♥

Mar 14, 2011

Penat? Hell Yeah.

Penat gila ni hari. Pagi2 lgi sudaa keluar pergi bandar. Ntah hape jer aku cari sbnarnya. Tdi time aku tgh lepak. Aku jumpa kawan lama. -Asyraf Sazali- Peh rambut dia. Mcm korea dah aku tgk. Rabu nanti dia QTI. Goodluck bro. HAHA. Aku doakan kw lulus jee. K ah. -Out-